6 Healthy Holiday Tips

6 Healthy Holiday Tips 


  1. Avoid overeating. Food is often the major theme at holiday parties so here are a few things to keep in mind for your parties. Go easy on appetizers, meats, desserts, cream sauces and fill your plate with half veggies and drink plenty of water.
  2. Stay active. Don’t neglect your workout during the holiday season. In fact, it is even more important during this time to get rid of stress and forget about your worries for a while. But don’t ruin all your efforts by using exercise as an excuse to eat more.
  3. Limit your consumption of alcohol. No doubt there will be occasions to raise a glass this season, but drinking to excess, even if it’s only once in awhile, can cause serious damage. Alcohol can cause adverse effects to the entire body.
  4. Prevent infections. Handshakes, kisses and hugs are all ways to spread infections like colds, the flu and gastroenteritis. Prevent them by washing your hands and keeping your hands away from your mouth. If you are feeling sick, stay in bed rather than infecting your friends and family!
  5. Watch out for food poisoning. The risk of food poisoning increases during the holidays. A turkey stuffed the evening before can becoming a breeding ground for dangerous bacteria. Buffets can be left out too long and present risk of food spoiling. Follow basic rules for food preparation and wash your hands often and thoroughly to avoid cross-contamination.
  6. Take time for yourself. If you are feeling tired, you risk exhaustion and increasing your stress level. Take a moment each day to relax and clear your mind. A few moments are all you need to unwind and recharge. Take a walk, listen to music, watch a holiday movie, read a book or treat yourself to a massage.

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