Make Your New Year Goals SMART

If You Are Making Any New Year Goals, Make Them S.M.A.R.T

Studies show that more than 75 percent of people who make New Year goals or resolutions only keep them for a few weeks. One reason they don’t keep them is because the goal is too broad, complex or there are too many of them. If you want to make a goal for the New Year, try starting with one or two easily achievable goals and make them S.M.A.R.T. The success rate for long-lasting change is much higher.

Make sure the goal addresses who is involved, what needs to be accomplished, where the action will take place, when is it going to happen, what conditions are needed for success and why you want to accomplish this goal. Example, “I will exercise more” is a very broad goal. Whereas, “I will walk the school track four times a week after work for 30 minutes,”  is much more specific.

Make goals you can measure. The previous exercise goal can be tracked easily on a phone app, calendar or notebook. Measureable goals provide answers as to how much, how many and how will you know when the goal is accomplished.

A resolution goal should be something you can realistically achieve. Don’t set the bar too high and commit to eating 5 servings of vegetables daily when you previously have not been eating any. This may may not be achievable for the long term when you are just starting to focus on healthy eating. Try initially aiming for 2-3 servings.

A realistic goal is one based on your current situation. How much time do you have to devote to it? Do you have everything you need to accomplish it? Is it flexible enough to allow for changes in your routine? Don’t commit to exercising for an hour daily if you only have 20 minutes available.

Goals should have starting and ending points with enough time in between to accomplish them. If you want to successfully lose 10 pounds, know that this usually will take several weeks.

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