Spotlight on Watermelon

Watermelon is a delicious and refreshing fruit that’s also good for you. It contains only 46 calories per cup and is rich in vitamins and nutrients.

Nutritional Benefits of Watermelon

  • Vitamin C: This vitamin is an essential nutrient and antioxidant. One cup of watermelon contains 21% of the recommended daily intake of vitamin C.

  • Vitamin A: One cup of watermelon contains 18% of the recommended daily intake of vitamin A. Vitamin A is important for the immune system, vision and also helps the lungs, heart and kidneys work properly.

  • Lycopene: Lycopene is a potent antioxidant that gives a red color to plant foods such as tomatoes and watermelon. Lycopene may help lower cholesterol and blood pressure.

  • Water: Watermelon is 92% water. Drinking water is important to keep your body hydrated but eating foods that have a high water content can also help.

Choosing A Watermelon

  1. Pick it up: A watermelon should feel heavy for its size.

  2. Look for the yellow spot: Watermelons develop a splotch where they rest on the ground. When this splotch is creamy yellow, it’s ripe.

  3. Give it a thump: Tap the underbelly of the watermelon. A ripe one will have a deep hollow sound. Under-ripe or over-ripe watermelons will sound dull.

Storing Watermelon

Store whole, uncut watermelons in a cool, dry place. Avoid storing next to apples, bananas, peaches and avocados unless trying to ripen quickly. Refrigerate cut watermelon wrapped or in an airtight container.

Watermelons are at their freshest 5 to 15 days depending on ripeness. Cut watermelons last 3 to 5 days in the refrigerator.

Try this recipe for Watermelon Agua Fresca. It’s a refreshing drink on these hot summer days! Enjoy!!

Watermelon Agua Fresca

  • 4 cups diced watermelon
  • 3 teaspoons fresh lime juice
  • 1 tablespoon sugar
  • 1 1/2 cups water


Combine all ingredients together in a blender until smooth. Strain and then chill in the refrigerator until cold. Serve over ice. Enjoy!

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