Let’s Get Physical: Olathe Community Center Group Exercise Classes & Personal Training

Have you ever walked into a gym and realized you had no idea what you were doing? Or wondered how you were going to muster up the motivation to work out for a whole hour? Health and fitness are multifaceted. There are many components that go into developing a sustainable workout program. Thankfully, personal training and group exercise can take the confusion and boredom out of fitness. They can also provide you with a community and support system to grow and thrive in.


Personal Training

The Olathe Community Center (OCC) provides personal trainers that are available to provide the necessary assessments to design a program that can address your body’s needs and fit your individual goals. We keep things fresh by challenging your body with new exercises and movement patterns to help you reach your goals faster and set up plans to make your results last. Your training needs are continually changing as you progress, and a trainer can keep you and your body on the path towards optimal health and wellness. Training isn’t just for conditioning. Programs can be designed for personalized self-healing regimens and can be used as complementary therapies for a variety of ailments.


Group Exercise

Group exercise is another great option that we offer at the OCC to create positive change in your body and life. Group exercise uses the power of community to help participants meet their fitness goals. The OCC’s group exercise department sets you up for success by offering a wide variety of classes. By participating in different formats, you can create your own cross training workout program to build flexibility, agility, mobility, strength and stability. Not only will you improve your conditioning, you will also build friendships with others who share your passion for health and fitness! From the joyful movement classes of Nia, Yoga, and Tai Chi, to the pulse pounding classes like BURN, Zumba, and Buttz-N-Gutz, be sure to experience all types of classes to give your body the variety it craves!

Group exercise and personal training are great ways to shape your body and mind to meet your individual goals. Not only will you develop your body, you will enhance your life. Motivation and support are two of the biggest factors in instilling new positive changes. With the guidance of a trainer and the energizing group exercise programs, you will gain new friends, accountability and a community that supports your health and wellness endeavors.


A guest blog post from Robbie Plumb,  Olathe Community Center  Trainer and Group Exercise Instructor


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