Get Active at a Pumpkin Patch!

Get Active at a Pumpkin Patch!


‘Tis the season…no, not that season. Yet. But fall is in full-swing and families are heading out to a number of pumpkin patches in the area to grab a gourd and a few photos. If you are one of these families, remember: a pumpkin patch can be a great place to get active with your kids. Below, a few tips the experts have collected over the years:


• Parking can be a challenge! Don’t fight for those close up spots, but rather park further away and walk into the patch. See? 300 steps already!


• Spring for the corn maze. Wandering around—and then walking back the way you came–will certainly add some activity to your day.


• Participate in the Great Pumpkin Carry! Don’t know what this is? It’s when you forget the wagon meant to haul all those pumpkins (because the kids find the BIGGEST ones. Every. Time.); rather, haul them from the far edge of the field alllll the way to the car. Add a small child to the things you are carrying for extra calorie burning.


• Play games! Many of the pumpkin patches in the area have a variety of games for kids. Join the fun and run around with them!


• Skip the hay ride. Waiting in line for the tractor wagon to ferry you from one area to another? Just walk and use the time to convince your kids to commit to a Halloween costume. Preferably the one you already bought/assembled/thrifted.


Good luck out there, fellow fall buffs! We hope you enjoy the season and the chance to be physically active, too!

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