Walk to School Day 2019

Walk to School on Wednesday, October 2!

Set your alarm a few minutes early on Wednesday, October 2 and join your neighbors for International Walk to School Day. More than 20 Johnson County schools—from Mission to Spring Hill—are registered with the National Center for Safe Routes to School for the October 2nd event.

Walk to School Day started in 1997 to help families try something new and encourage those who already practice this healthy habit. One-day events such as these also raise awareness among local officials and law enforcement about potential policy changes, ensuring motorists keep the roads safe for all users, and needed infrastructure improvements, such as sidewalks or signage.

Benefits of Walking

Physical activity should be part of every school age child’s day—the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommends at least an hour—and walking to and from school is a great way to start. Parents and caregivers can walk along and get their recommended 30 minutes of exercise, too. These activity minutes add up to less risk for chronic diseases such as obesity, heart disease and diabetes.

The small investment of time to walk to school, rather than drive, pays off in the classroom as well. Research cited by the CDC states that kids who are physically active tend to concentrate better, remember what they learned, and have more on-task time than their inactive peers.

If you are interested in more information about walking and biking to school, check out the National Center’s Clearinghouse. Finally, check out these free downloadable materials like stickers and puzzles to reward kids who participate tomorrow. Happy Walking!

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