Stay Active in the Winter in Kansas City

Don’t Hibernate: Stay Active in the Winter in Kansas City

It is that time of year, when the days are colder; and there are fewer hours of daylight. It can often feel as if the sun is hibernating. How do you continue to stay motivated to get your 30 minutes of physical activity each day when all you want to do is snuggle up in a blanket and wait-out winter? During the cold, gray days get creative and find ways to enjoy the offerings of the season. There are many ways to stay active in the winter in Kansas City!

Go outside and play!

Yes, go outside. Find your gloves, hats, and heavy coats and enjoy those activities you can only do this time of year. There are several outdoor ice skating rinks in the Kansas City area. Take a spin around the rink at Park Place in Leawood or the Ice Terrace at Crown Center. Ice skating for 30 minutes can burn approximately 250 calories.

Ice skating not your thing? Take a walk at one of the outdoor light displays around the area. Sar Ko Par Park in Lenexa has a wonderful display around the lake or enjoy the glow at the Country Club Plaza. Remember that parks and trails are still open! Bundle up and maintain your regular walking route – you won’t confuse the dog and you’ll warm up quickly under the layers. If there is enough snow this year, sledding, building a snowman or having a snowball fight are also great ways to stay active!

Exercise Indoors

If outside activities are not appealing, how about exercising indoors at home? The Johnson County Library has numerous exercise DVDs that are available to checkout. Always wanted to try Zumba? Maybe Yoga is more your speed? Take the opportunity to something new without committing to a class. YouTube is also another option for free workout videos.

Johnson County Parks and Recreation and many of the city parks and recreation departments offer opportunities to stay active during the winter. Try Aqua Jogging at the Roeland Park Aquatic Center or Turbo Kick – Kickboxing Meets Dance at Mill Creek Activity Center. Olathe Parks and Recreation has several adult sports leagues, including volleyball and basketball for all skill levels. Maybe group fitness classes more your style? Shawnee Parks and Recreation offers several choices like Tai Chi, PiYo (a Pilates yoga combo class) or Power Pump.

Stay Active All Year Long

There are many benefits to staying active all year long. Regular physical activity throughout your lifespan can decrease your risk of heart disease and other chronic conditions. Finding time to exercise throughout your week, month and year is a great prescription for health! Physical activity doesn’t just decrease your risk for chronic diseases it can also enhance your mood, which is a significant advantage during the gray days of winter. Time to get off the couch and find an activity that will keep you moving until spring!

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