LiveWell JOCO Blog

Stay informed with regular updates from the LiveWell Johnson County Blog, including tips for chronic disease prevention, healthy food inspiration, and news from the neighborhood.

Walk to School on Wednesday!

Walk to School on Wednesday!   Set your alarm a few minutes early on Wednesday and join your neighbors for International Walk to School Day. More than 20 Johnson County schools—from Mission to Spring Hill—are registered with the National Center…... read more

Tune Up: Bike to Work Day is coming!

  Bike to Work Day   National Bike to Work day is this Friday, May 18th. Are you ready to get your pedal power on? The day is designed to encourage people to try commuting in a new way. Since…...

Get Active at a Pumpkin Patch!

Get Active at a Pumpkin Patch!   ‘Tis the season…no, not that season. Yet. But fall is in full-swing and families are heading out to a number of pumpkin patches in the area to grab a gourd and a few…...

3 Johnson County Trails to Enjoy This Fall

Johnson County Trails to Enjoy This Fall It’s fall in Kansas City and it’s the perfect time to get out and explore over 455 miles of trails in Johnson County to hike, walk and bike. Fall is a great time…...

Walk to School on Wednesday!

Walk to School on Wednesday!   Set your alarm a few minutes early on Wednesday and join your neighbors for International Walk to School Day. At least 17 Johnson County schools—from Mission to Spring Hill—are registered with the National Center…... read more

Childhood Obesity Awareness Month

September is Childhood Obesity Awareness Month One in three children in the United States are overweight or obese. Childhood obesity puts kids at risk for health problems that were once seen only in adults, such as type 2 diabetes, high…...

Walking to School Good For the Body and Brain!

Walking to School Good for the Body and Brain! The start of school is quickly approaching, and you’re starting to think about the schedule, aren’t you? Consider building active transportation time into your family’s school schedule. Active transportation to school…...

Olathe Community Center’s Kids Fit Program

Olathe Community Center’s Kids Fit Program Encourages A Healthy Lifestyle With July being National Parks and Recreation Month, I want you discover the power of play through the services your local Parks and Recreation Department offers. For children and adults,…...

Walking Is Free

According to the residents of Johnson County, one of their biggest barriers to physical activity is the cost. While joining a fitness facility can be costly, Johnson County provides its citizens with 365 parks and 455 miles of hiking, walking…... read more

National Get Outdoors Day

National Get Outdoors Day Summer is here. The kids are home and already complaining that there’s nothing to do. Here’s an idea—go outside! National Get Outdoors Day is Saturday, June 10, 2017, and Johnson County has outdoor opportunities for family…...

National Bike To Work Day

Join Us for National Bike to Work Day National Bike to Work Day is Friday, May 19. The day encourages people to try commuting by bike, and the effort works! Since 2000, the number of people who bike to work…...

Active Spring Break Activities in Kansas City

Many kids will be out of school for spring break next week. Need some active spring break activities to keep your kids busy and not in front of a screen all week? No fear, there are several different free and…...

Stay Active in the Winter in Kansas City

Don’t Hibernate: Stay Active in the Winter in Kansas City It is that time of year, when the days are colder; and there are fewer hours of daylight. It can often feel as if the sun is hibernating. How do…...