LiveWell JOCO Blog

Stay informed with regular updates from the LiveWell Johnson County Blog, including tips for chronic disease prevention, healthy food inspiration, and news from the neighborhood.

Active Spring Break Activities in Kansas City

Many kids will be out of school for spring break next week. Need some active spring break activities to keep your kids busy and not in front of a screen all week? No fear, there are several different free and…... read more

Stay Active in the Winter in Kansas City

Don’t Hibernate: Stay Active in the Winter in Kansas City It is that time of year, when the days are colder; and there are fewer hours of daylight. It can often feel as if the sun is hibernating. How do…...

Your Car Is Wrecking Your Health

The built environment is the human-made space in which we all live, work and play every day. This infrastructure—homes, city buildings, sidewalks, roads, parks, etc.—surrounds every person and influences how they live. Communities designed to make it safe to walk…...