Built Environment

The built environment is the manmade physical environment where people live, learn, work and play. It can be as small as office buildings and homes to neighborhoods and cities. Environmental design affects our health. Inaccessible or nonexistent sidewalks or bicycle trails contribute to sedentary habits. A lack of physical activity in one’s daily life can lead to poor health outcomes such as obesity, cardiovascular disease, diabetes and some types of cancer.

Built Environment in Johnson County

LiveWell Johnson County is taking the long-view to improve the built environment. In collaboration with our partners, like BikeWalk KC, work is being done to incorporate walk and bike friendly policies and municipal improvements that prioritize active transportation options. BikeWalk KC is a nonprofit organization that works to build a culture of active living through the creation of safer and more accessible places to walk, bike, live, work and play.

Worksite Environment

Worksites have a role to play in environmental design. Please contact us for help to assess your workplace. Is the stairwell in your building attractive and accessible for staff to use instead of the elevator? Is there signage to encourage stair use? Does it have proper lighting?

By encouraging a built environment that accounts for health, we can make getting the physical activity our bodies need the easy option.

Walkability Checklist

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